Pro-Marijuana Legalization Ad to Appear Outside NASCAR Race

    A group that advocates for the legalization of marijuana will run a video ad outside a NASCAR race in Indianapolis this weekend, USA Today reports. It will be the first time such an ad will appear so close to the entrance of a major sporting event.

    The ad is sponsored by the Marijuana Policy Project, the country’s largest pro-marijuana legalization advocacy group, the article notes. The video, which is made to look like a beer ad, tells viewers marijuana is less harmful than alcohol. A narrator says marijuana has no calories, no hangovers, and is not linked to violence or reckless behavior.

    The ad is scheduled to run 72 times over a three-day period. Up to 600,000 people may see the ad as they enter the racetrack. NASCAR is not affiliated with the advertiser, or with the company that sells the ad space. The ad is not on track property, or on property over which the track has any control, according to Douglas Boles, president of Indianapolis Motor Speedway.


    July 2013