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The Latest News from Our Field

We curate a digest of the latest news in our field for advocates, policymakers, community coalitions and all who work toward shaping policies and practices to effectively prevent substance use and treat addiction.

The Partnership at has launched a multi-media prevention campaign in Latino communities, urging parents to talk with their children about alcohol and drugs.
Women serving in the U.S. military smoke, binge drink, and use illicit drugs less frequently than male servicemen, according to the U.S. Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality.

The key to successful substance abuse screening may be changing the way healthcare providers approach patients about it.

After three federal agencies acted together on Nov. 17 to shut down caffeinated alcoholic beverages, public health advocates are now looking to state and local governmental authorities to enforce the rulings and pressure retailers and distributors to quickly get the drinks off the market.
A study conducted by researchers at Case Western Reserve University found that teens who engage in excessive texting or social networking on school days are more likely to engage in risky behaviors than their peers.
A small study performed by researchers at McLean Hospital in Boston suggests that children who start using marijuana before age 16 are at higher risk of long-term brain damage than those who start later.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) simultaneously notified makers of caffeinated alcoholic beverages that such products are unsafe, unapproved, and misleadingly marketed.
A multi-study review found nicotine might be behind the increased risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) in babies whose mothers smoke.

MADD wants to stop drunk drivingMothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) wants Congress to authorize $60 million over five years to pay for the development of a device -- called the Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety or DADSS -- that would lock the ignition for drivers with a blood alcohol level above the legal limit.

Marin Institute launches its third annual anti-alcohol-advertising contest at This year’s theme, 'Free the Bowl from Beer Ads,' seeks original, 'performance art' counter-beer-ads from youth and young adults ages 10-20.
A measure to legalize medical marijuana in Arizona passed after trailing in the polls throughout almost two weeks of vote-counting.
Smokers report that they find ads that focus on 'why to quit' -- using graphic images or testimonials that evoke emotional response -- more effective than others, according to a new study.
Teens in rural areas abuse prescription drugs at significantly higher rates than their urban and suburban counterparts, a study of national data suggests.
Anti-tobacco advocates fear that smoking rates have stopped falling because many states, facing large deficits, have cut funding for tobacco prevention.

Putting a price tag on social ills is a common way to garner media attention, and if the numbers are scary enough, they can have a real impact on public opinion -- and by extension, on public policy.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) unveiled strong new health warnings for cigarettes that show skin lesions, diseased lungs, and dead bodies.
A US study found snuff and chewing tobacco use are on the rise in some states, and smokers who use the products may find it harder to quit.
The Massachusetts Hospital Association (MHA) will stop hiring people who use tobacco as of January 1, 2011.
Regulations scheduled to go into effect next October would ensure that British shoppers do not see cigarettes behind store counters, but tobacco companies and corner store owners are lobbying newly-elected British government ministers to roll back the regulations.
The state of Washingon’s Liquor Control Board outlawed alcoholic energy drinks beginning Nov. 18.

Phoenix HousePhoenix House Foundation, a large, multi-state addiction treatment provider, has partnered with Vanguard Services Unlimited, a nearly 50-year-old substance abuse treatment provider based in the Washington D.C. area. The new organization will extend both groups’ reach and will be dubbed "Phoenix Houses of the Mid-Atlantic."

Phusion Projects Phusion Projects, LLC, maker of alcoholic energy drink Four Loko -- known to college students as ’blackout in a can’ -- has suddenly gotten ’serious’ about alcohol abuse and underage drinking on college campuses.

The Michigan Liquor Control Commission's decision to ban sales of beverages combining alcohol and stimulants is being credited to a convergence of factors, including persistent pleas from advocates and a troubling local crime.

pregnant woman smokingThe American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) has issued a call for all pregnant women to be screened for smoking, from the first office visit to term.

California officials and a distributor of electronic cigarettes have reached a consent agreement under which sales of the increasingly popular devices will be subject to several restrictions, including a ban on flavored cartridges that many say are meant to attract young people, and an outright ban on under-18 sales.