We curate a digest of the latest news in our field for advocates, policymakers, community coalitions and all who work toward shaping policies and practices to effectively prevent substance use and treat addiction.
The Underage Drinking Enforcement Training Center (UDETC), part of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, is offering ’national electronic seminars’ to assist state and local communities in their efforts to enforce the drinking age laws and eliminate the dangers of youth drinking.
Nearly 140 people a day were arrested for marijuana possession in New York City in 2010, according to The Drug Policy Alliance, which got its figures from the N.Y. Division of Criminal Justice Services.
"NIATx is offering a free webinar on best practices in third-party billing.
Whether you are a consumer or a provider, SAMHSA’s Partners for Recovery Initiative can help you grasp the ins and outs of the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act and the recently released Interim Final Rule.
The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, which went into effect in Jan. 2011, mandates that insurance companies provide the same coverage for mental health services as they do for physical health services. Yet, according to a American Psychological Association survey, only 10 percent of Americans have even heard of the law.