The Latest News from Our Field

We curate a digest of the latest news in our field for advocates, policymakers, community coalitions and all who work toward shaping policies and practices to effectively prevent substance use and treat addiction.

A U.S. charity that had planned to pay British women abusing drugs to be sterilized is now paying them to have birth control devices implanted.

There were no glittering stars getting out of limousines, but there was a red carpet, and there were still winners and losers at the 16th annual Hackademy Awards, spotlighting 2010’s smokiest – and smoke-free – movies.

Mexico has made an official request for more information about a secret U.S. government operation to allow smugglers to take nearly 1,800 guns into Mexico in an effort to track them to drug cartels.
A panel advising the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has concluded in a draft report that menthol cigarettes are not worse for smokers' health than regular cigarettes -- but they may be more addictive.

For several decades, states have taken a ""nail ’em-and-jail ’em"" approach to drug offenders -- but several states are now rolling back their punitive drug laws and investing in treatment.


It may seem like binge drinking is just a fact of college life, but a number of institutions of higher-education are proving otherwise.

How many youth in the juvenile justice system have mental health or alcohol and drug disorders? New research on nearly 10,000 youth in 18 states and over 50 jurisdictions suggests that the answer can vary a lot, depending on what part of the juvenile justice system you’re talking about.

The federal Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has followed through on an announcement it made last November and temporarily banned five chemicals whose effects mimic marijuana.

Budget deficits bedevil nearly every state, yet six states have not raised their beer taxes in 50 years or more, according to Marin Institute’s Neglected & Outdated Beer Taxes Map. Wyoming, in fact, hasn’t raised its beer tax since 1935, when Franklin D. Roosevelt was serving his first term as president.


Know any creative individuals over 18 who would be interested in participating in a video contest to promote alcohol and drug abuse prevention and positive mental health?


Researchers are pilot-testing a smartphone application in an adult drug court program in Massachusetts to find out if it can help participants be more successful.


We know alcoholism runs in families -- children with alcoholic parents have quadruple the risk of developing a drinking problem later in life than those without -- but is the link genetic or the result of other influences?

Gil Kerlikowske, the White House drug czar, urged Fla. governor Rick Scott to reinstate a prescription drug-monitoring database he axed in this year’s state budget. The governor refused, even as the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and local law enforcement announced raids on multiple pain clinics in south Florida.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services at the federal Department for Health and Human Services wants to know what you think about Medicare covering alcohol screening and counseling in primary medical care. Public comment period is open now until March 20.
