The Latest News from Our Field

We curate a digest of the latest news in our field for advocates, policymakers, community coalitions and all who work toward shaping policies and practices to effectively prevent substance use and treat addiction.

Marines may be required to take Breathalyzer tests as part of an overall wellness program expected to be announced by U.S. Navy Secretary Ray Mabus.

The implementation of state prevention monitoring programs, by targeting doctor shopping and pill mills, is one of many strategies to help fight the prescription drug abuse epidemic, says Carmen A. Catizone, MS of the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy.

The number of methamphetamine lab seizures in the United States rose again last year, according to an Associated Press survey of the nation’s top meth-producing states.

The Food and Drug Administration and the National Institutes of Health have launched a nationwide study to find out why people use tobacco.

Bills to limit the access to a key ingredient of methamphetamine by requiring a doctor’s prescription have been killed in the Oklahoma legislature.

American troops who have been deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan – especially those who have been in combat – are more likely to start using smokeless tobacco, when compared to their counterparts who stay home, Reuters reports.

According to a recent study, nearly one in five (19 percent) of teens say they have gotten behind the wheel after smoking marijuana.

A new study shows that alcohol problems are not uncommon among surgeons.

News coverage of violent crimes and fatal accidents linked to alcohol use may increase public support of stricter alcohol-control laws, HealthDay reports.

British youth do not possess the adequate knowledge to adhere to government guidelines for responsible alcohol consumption, a new study reveals.

A new study finds that many Americans support reducing nicotine in cigarettes to prevent people from becoming addicted to smoking.

New findings by a Yale team of scientists may help explain why the risk of drug abuse and addiction increase significantly when cocaine use begins in adolescence.

Babies born to mothers who smoke or use nicotine patches during pregnancy are more likely to have colic, a new study published in the March issue of Pediatrics finds.

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) has been blocking Senate action on legislation to outlaw a host of synthetic drugs, which are growing in popularity and have been linked to illnesses and deaths.

Diane Canova of Legacy asks, to safeguard youth, shouldn’t many of the same restrictions applied to cigarettes extend to cigars?

Watching movies with scenes that feature alcohol consumption doubles the likelihood that teens will start drinking alcohol, according to a new study.

A decontamination foam, previously used to clean up federal office buildings and mailrooms during anthrax attacks more than a decade ago, is now being used to decontaminate illegal methamphetamine labs.

A legislative panel in Oklahoma approved a bill requiring drug testing of welfare recipients.

To reduce the number of methamphetamine labs in the state, Oklahoma prosecutors are asking lawmakers to make the tablet form of pseudoephedrine a prescription.

In the second half of a two-part series, Kevin Sabet, PhD, Policy Consultant and Assistant Professor, University of Florida, focuses on the issues brought up by the governors in their rescheduling petition.

National Guard soldiers who do not have a history of alcohol abuse have a significant risk of developing alcohol-related problems while they are deployed and afterwards, a new study suggests.

Widely distributing the opioid overdose antidote naloxone, and training people in how to use it, could save many lives, suggests a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report.

The arrest of four football players on the Texas Christian University team this week on suspicion of selling marijuana points to an increasing problem in college athletics, says the Vice President of the National Center for Drug Free Sports.

An increase in ectopic pregnancy deaths in Florida appears to be associated with illicit drug use and delays in seeking health care, according to a new report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Parents are a key part of the fight against the emerging threat of synthetic drugs, said Gil Kerlikowske, Director of National Drug Control Policy. He spoke Thursday at a working group session on synthetic drugs, which was co-hosted by The Partnership at