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The Latest News from Our Field

We curate a digest of the latest news in our field for advocates, policymakers, community coalitions and all who work toward shaping policies and practices to effectively prevent substance use and treat addiction.

Abuse of the anesthesia drug propofol is on the rise among health care professionals who have easy access to it, a new study suggests.

A growing number of smokers are relighting cigarettes, a trend that is related to economic factors, according to researchers at the Cancer Institute of New Jersey.

An increasing number of teens and adults in southern California are using heroin, according to Drug Enforcement Administration officials.

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has proposed keeping cigarettes out of sight in city stores, the Associated Press reports. The proposal is designed to discourage smoking among young people, he said.

A new bill introduced Friday in the U.S. House of Representatives would require new drugs, and certain generic drugs, to have tamper-resistant formulas, ABC News reports. The proposed legislation is designed to reduce prescription drug abuse.

Critics of the soon-to-be-released updated manual used to identify mental illness, say it will expand the list of what constitutes mental illness and will lead to a needless increase in diagnoses, according to CNN.

Even moderate amounts of alcohol can be dangerous for people with hepatitis C, according to a new study.

Middle school students who date report using twice as much alcohol, tobacco and marijuana, compared with their classmates without romantic relationships, a new study finds.

In January, new government regulations took effect that allow greater take-home privileges for buprenorphine patients who are treated in clinic-based Opioid Treatment Programs (OTPs). While this change will allow more patients to have increased flexibility as they progress in their recovery, providers must be careful in deciding who to give the medication to, in order to avoid diversion, says a New York addiction specialist.

The Food and Drug Administration told lawmakers this month that the process of reclassifying hydrocodone combination products, in order to make them more difficult to prescribe, will be long, The Hill reports.

The recreational use of marijuana is a violation of international law, the United Nations International Narcotics Control Board warned the United States this week.

The Florida Supreme Court on Thursday reaffirmed its decision allowing sick smokers or their survivors to sue tobacco companies for cigarette-related illness or death.

A new study calculates binge drinking cost Wisconsin $6.8 billion last year. Easy availability of alcohol, combined with low alcohol taxes, has contributed to high rates of alcohol use in the state, NPR reports.

Healthy children and teenagers should not be given drugs designed to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, the American Academy of Neurology said this week.

Smokers can easily identify “light” and “mild” cigarettes, despite a federal law banning those words, because tobacco companies have substituted color names for those terms, a new study concludes.

A study of the Army’s mental health care system identifies a number of gaps, and provides recommendations, including increasing the number of behavioral health specialists, the Los Angeles Times reports.

A task force in Colorado has issued recommendations on how to regulate marijuana, now that recreational use of the drug has been legalized.

Quitting smoking reduces the risk of heart disease, even in smokers who gain weight after they quit, a new study finds.

Enrolling in college does not lead to substance abuse problems later in life, despite high levels of binge drinking on campuses, a new study suggests.

Military researchers are studying ways to reduce substance abuse among service members, their families and veterans, a Defense Department official said this week. “We’re doing a great job with those physical wounds,” said Dr. Michael E. Kilpatrick. The military now wants to focus on the invisible wounds of war, he added.

Legislators at a hearing in California this week called on the state’s Medical Board to use a statewide database of prescriptions to help find physicians who overprescribe painkillers, the Los Angeles Times reports.

Research shows that an astonishing 31 percent of America’s service men and women smoke. David Dobbins of Legacy explains why leaders in public health are excited that America’s armed forces will now have powerful tools in their arsenal to combat one of the most lethal products available to consumers: tobacco.

The group representing the nation’s attorneys general is calling on the Food and Drug Administration to require manufacturers and marketers of generic prescription pain drugs to develop versions of their products that are resistant to tampering and abuse.

A new study finds people with mental illness who also have a substance use disorder are nine times more likely than the general population to be murdered. Overall, people with mental illness were almost five times as likely to be a murder victim, compared with those with no psychiatric diagnosis.

Supporters of a measure that would fund an increase in college financial aid in California, by raising the excise tax on cigarettes by a dollar per pack, have been given permission to start collecting signatures in an effort to get on the November ballot.