Outlook Grim for Texas Smoking Ban

    Sponsors of a proposed statewide indoor-smoking ban in Texas are throwing in the legislative towel after a battle with the tobacco industry derailed the measure.

    The Dallas Morning News reported May 20 that bill proponents are looking towards the next legislative session to get a smoking ban passed.

    Sen. Rodney Ellis (D-Houston) said the tobacco lobby was to blame for killing the bill. “Big Tobacco is a powerful interest group to go up against,” he said. “They’re smart. They have focus groups. They know what issues to troop out there.”

    Tobacco companies spent roughly $2 million to hire 40 lobbyists this legislative session. Some tobacco companies, like Altria, said they do not lobby on smoking bans, and that they are being blamed unfairly.

    Bill opponents also included cigar shops and bar owners who said the measure encroached on their profits and customers’ rights .

    Rep. Myra Crownover (R-Denton) said more public education is needed about the ill effects of secondhand smoke.


    May 2009