ONDCP Seeks Teens to Influence ’Above the Influence’

    The White House says that teens “understand and embrace” the Above the Influence (ATI) brand — the peer-oriented ads promulgated by the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign. But the campaign’s supporters want to focus the ads more tightly to local needs, and is calling on communities to engage teens in the “Influence Project” to “share their insights about the positive and negative influences they see around them and their approach to ’staying above it.’”

    With new ATI ads and tools on the way, the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) wants community leaders to get local youths to detail their risk and protective factors on an “Influence Map.” The communities that best engage kids will receive the “ATI Experience” — including an Above the Influence wall mural, a “creation station” for teens to create their own versions of the Above the Influence symbol, advertising featuring artwork produced by local teens, and additional activities that support anti-drug choices.


    June 2010