NY Bill Would Create Prescription Drug Database

    A bill introduced this week in the New York Assembly would create a real-time database for prescriptions of controlled substances such as oxycodone. The goal is to cut down on illegal trafficking of opioids.

    The Associated Press reports that doctors and pharmacists would enter information into the database every time a prescription for a controlled substance is issued or dispensed. Under current law, pharmacists must file a report twice a month. Doctors in New York are not required to report prescriptions.

    New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said oxycodone prescriptions rose 66 percent in the city between 2007 and 2009.

    According to The Alliance of States With Prescription Monitoring Programs, as of mid-May there were 35 states with monitoring systems in operation and 13 that have approved such programs, but haven’t put them in place.

    Earlier this month, Florida Governor Rick Scott signed into law a bill designed to cut down on prescription drug abuse by controlling ‘pill mills’ in the state. The law authorizes the creation of a prescription-drug monitoring database to reduce doctor-shopping by people looking to collect multiple painkiller prescriptions.


    June 2011