NIATx Website Gets a Makeover

    NIATx, the folks who have helped over 1,000 treatment providers remove barriers to treatment and recovery, revamped their online tools to make their quality information even easier to find and use.

    Features of the new NIATx website include: improved navigation, suggested links for new and returning users, and social networking and “share” tools.

    For those who want a personalized experience, logging in to My NIATx, “allows users to save favorite resources in one convenient location, check out the latest news and blog posts, and see a digest of the most recent activity on the Support Forum,” said Dave Gustafson, director of NIATX, on the NIATX blog.

    NIATx designed a model for process improvement specifically for behavioral health care that “allows payers and providers to make small changes that substantially impact outcomes,” according to their website.

    (You can read selected NIATx promising practices from ACTION Campaign II on, too.)


    August 2010