Navy Unveils New Anti-Drinking Campaign

    The U.S. Navy has introduced a new campaign to remind junior sailors to drink responsibly, according to the Navy Times. The “Keep What You’ve Earned” campaign tells sailors they have much to lose if they make poor choices regarding alcohol.

    “That younger group of sailors is who we are targeting — 17- to 24-year-olds,” Fleet Master Chief April Beldo, the top enlisted adviser for the chief of naval personnel, told the newspaper. “We want to treat them as the adults they are but also share with them that along with being an adult comes responsible decision-making. So many times as leaders, we get caught up in telling sailors ‘Don’t do this’ or ‘Don’t do that,’” Beldo said. “This tone is highlighting that they’ve accomplished things in the Navy and we want them to keep them, so be responsible and don’t risk those successes by getting in situations that result in circumstances where they lose these things they’ve achieved.”

    As part of the new campaign, a mobile application that includes a role-playing game will be rolled out later this year. The app lets users create a sailor avatar, and help the character make decisions such as how much to drink and how to plan a safe ride home.

    Earlier this year, the Navy announced it will begin conducting random blood-alcohol tests on sailors in the United States. The Navy said it will use the tests to determine whether a sailor is fit for duty or may need counseling.


    April 2013