National Child Traumatic Stress Initiative Community Treatment and Services Center Grants

    The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is soliciting applications for the 2009 National Child Traumatic Stress Initiative Community Treatment and Services Center Grants, intended to improve treatment and other services to children who have experienced traumatic events.

    The grants fund participation in a national network of intervention developers and service providers who work collaboratively to promote effective community-based interventions, according to SAMHSA.

    The network will include three centers: the National Center for Child Traumatic Stress (NCCTS), Treatment and Service Adaptation (TSA) Centers, and Community Treatment and Services (CTS) Centers.

    SAMHSA will award one grant of up to $15 million over three years for the NCCTS, which will be the coordinating agency for the program. Nonprofit agencies may apply. Application deadline is May 6. For more information, see the NCCTS full grant announcement online.

    Up to $14.4 million will be awarded for up to eight TSA grants; these centers will provide expertise on trauma, populations, and systems, develop interventions, and support the adoption of best practices and programs. Deadline is May 13, and nonprofits may apply. For more information, see the TSA full grant announcement.

    Finally, about $31.2 million will be available for 26 grants for CTS centers, which will implement and evaluate effective trauma treatment and services and collaborate with other network centers on clinical issues, service approaches, policy, financing and training issues. Application deadline is May 13, and nonprofits may apply. For more details, see the CTS full grant announcement.


    April 2009