N.J. Medical Marijuana Bill Moves to Full Assembly

    Legislation to legalize the use of marijuana for “compassionate medical” purposes passed the New Jersey General Assembly’s Health and Senior Services Committee by an 8-1 vote, MSNBC reported June 5.

    The measure now goes to the full Assembly for consideration. A similar bill has already been approved by the state Senate.

    Bill opponents include some law-enforcement officials who worry that legalizing medical marijuana will increase drug use and crime.

    The legislation includes components that would restrict marijuana distribution to licensed, non-profit centers. The bill also requires certification from a physician treating the medical condition before marijuana use would be allowed.

    “It will be the most restrictive law in the U. S. … with the most safeguards in terms of abuse,” said Sen. Fred Scutari (D- Middlesex), who co-sponsored the bill.


    June 2009