N.D. Lawmakers Block Bill Banning Alcohol at Collegiate Sports Events

    A North Dakota legislative proposal to ban alcohol at collegiate sporting events was killed in committee, the Grand Forks Herald reported Jan. 19.

    House Bill 1212 was introduced by Rep. Chuck Damschen (R-Hampden). It would have prohibited alcohol sales and possession at athletic events where minors were present, even at venues not owned by colleges or universities. The bill would also have covered tailgate parties in parking lots.

    The House Education Committee voted overwhelmingly against putting the bill to a full vote on the grounds that the universities were policing the issue well on their own. 

    Rep. Corey Mock, D-Grand Forks, who worked with the state legislature’s youth council in the previous session, said that the council “thought working with families was better than passing laws,” according to the Herald.

    Damschen sponsored the bill to address the problem of underage drinking, which he said is fueled in part by “underage people observing adults.” (YouTube video: Rep. Chuck Damschen talks about why he introduced the bill.)


    February 2011