More Colleges Institute Recovery Programs

    A growing number of colleges are creating recovery programs for students, The Wall Street Journal reports. This summer, a group of colleges formed the Association for Recovery in Higher Education to promote these initiatives.

    One of the leaders in college recovery programs is Texas Tech, which offers 12-step courses, classes on relapse prevention, opportunities for academic scholarships and a serenity center for students who wish to meditate. New recovery programs will debut this fall at the University of Michigan and Penn State University.

    According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), from 1999 to 2009, the number of students age 18 to 24 seeking treatment for substance abuse more than doubled. The rate of heavy alcohol use—having five or more drinks on five or more occasions in the previous month—is highest among 20- to 22-year-olds; college students are the heaviest drinkers in that group, SAMHSA says.

    Most colleges do not provide recovery services for students, forcing recovering students to try to find their own services, the article notes. Many of these students drop out.

    This fall, a residence hall for college students in recovery is slated to open in New York City. The New York residence, run by Hazelden, will be open to students at colleges throughout Manhattan, including Columbia University and New York University.


    August 2011