Mobilizing Moms for Marijuana Reform

    Mothers are at the forefront of new legalization strategy from marijuana advocates, the Associated Press reported May 8.

    Citing the historical success of mothers in changing drunk-driving laws, and enacting and later repealing Prohibition, activists are hoping to gather a coalition of moms on a platform that marijuana is safer than alcohol, and that teens should not face jail time for experimenting with the drug.

    Some women have also cited success using pot to treat morning sickness and post-partum depression.

    “All the things moms get behind, people listen,” said Diane Irwin, a mother and medical-marijuana grower.

    The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML), formed a “Women’s Alliance” in January, while advocacy sites like and others have sprouted up.

    Still, the campaign may prove an uphill battle. Polls show that more women oppose marijuana legalization (63 percent) than men (48 percent). 


    May 2010