Minnesota Tackles Synthetic Drugs

    Minnesota, which has outlawed synthetic drugs, is still seeing cases of exposure to the substances, according to TwinCities.com.

    “I would like to think the number of cases is trending down, although my guess is that physicians are more comfortable treating these exposures and may not be contacting the Poison Center,” said Debbie Anderson, Director of the Hennepin Poison Control Center. Use of synthetic drugs remains far less prevalent than alcohol, marijuana and prescriptions drugs in Minnesota, experts say.

    Dozens of chemicals have been added to the state’s list of controlled substances, said Cody Wiberg, Executive Director of the Minnesota Board of Pharmacy. The state has increased penalties for buying and selling synthetic drugs. The state also outlawed any substance that is similar to an already banned chemical. The ban was designed to stop synthetic drug makers from making slight changes to formulas to skirt the law.

    During the current legislative session, lawmakers will be considering adding new chemicals to the state’s list of banned substances.

    Last year, President Obama signed legislation that bans synthetic drugs. The law outlaws harmful chemicals in synthetic drugs such as those used to make synthetic marijuana and bath salts.


    April 2013