Mass. Addiction Program Lines Up Music Stars for Benefit

    Rock star Alice Cooper is leading an all-star benefit event for

    Right Turn, Inc., a nonprofit addiction treatment programs in Arlington, Mass., the Taunton Gazette reported April 19.

    Other performers include Ace Frehley from Kiss and musicians from the bands Bad Company and the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Right Turn was founded by Woody Geissmann, a certified addiction counselor and drummer for the band Del Fuegos. Simon Kirke, drummer for Free and Bad Company and himself in recovery from addiction, is on the program’s board of directors.

    “I meet Woody many years ago in Ringo Starr’s all-star band. We need money. I don’t mind telling you, it’s expensive to run this place,” Kirke said, “I know a lot of people in rock and roll, I browbeat them to come and help this out.”

    Right Turn provides outpatient addiction services and puts a special emphasis on treating musicians and other artists. “We are trying to raise $100,000,” Geissmann said. “We understand the economy is a little challenging right now, I also understand there is a $14 million loss in [state funding to] addiction services.”

    The third annual benefit concert and rock memorabilia silent auction will be held at the Berklee Performance Center on April 26. Tickets range from $40 to $100.



    April 2009