Many New Jersey Parents Say Kids Get Alcohol and Prescription Drugs from Home

    A new survey finds many New Jersey parents recognize that the main source for alcohol and prescription drugs may be their own home. More than 45 percent of parents surveyed said their children are getting alcohol from home, and three-quarters of parents said children get prescription and over-the-counter drugs from their own home or from a friend’s home.

    The findings come from the Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey (PDFNJ), which released the results of its 9th Annual Tracking Survey of Parents’ Attitudes & Behaviors Toward Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention. The survey polled a sample of 500 parents with children ages 12 to 15.

    “The role of parents in their child’s decision to use and abuse drugs is once again confirmed through this research,” said Joseph A. Miele, Chairman of PDFNJ. The survey also found that parents of families who eat five to seven meals together per week are more likely to feel they have a lot of influence on their child’s attitudes towards drugs and alcohol.

    The complete survey results are available here.


    May 2011