Letter From the Editor: Our Second Anniversary

    Thank you for being part of the Join Together community as we celebrate our second anniversary.

    These past two years, we have worked diligently to provide you with the top daily drug, alcohol and tobacco addiction prevention and treatment news that affects you and your community, including exclusive expert commentaries and high-quality original -feature articles. In case you missed any of our top news stories, I invite you to read some here:

    Using Bath Salts: Playing Russian Roulette With Your Brain, Expert Says

    Facts on the Emerging Science on the Effects of Marijuana

    Revised Definition of Addiction Could Lead to Millions More Being Diagnosed

    Adapting 12-Step Programs For Teenagers

    Half of Addiction Counselors Say It’s OK for Some Patients to Drink Occasionally

    Prescription Drug Abuse Results in One Death Every 19 Minutes in U.S.

    Commentary: Why the Term “Enabling” Does More Harm Than Good

    “Molly,” Powder or Crystal Form of MDMA, is Popular at Music Festivals

    While it’s a privilege to provide you with this free resource, we need your help. Knowledge is power and we want to educate individuals nationwide with our vital information. Please invite your colleagues, friends, family, teachers, coaches, clergy members and anyone or group you think would benefit to sign up for our Join Together Daily or Weekly eNewsletter at drugfree.org/enewsletters.

    Help us enhance and expand Join Together services by choosing to make a gift of $15, $20, $30 or more.

    Please make your tax-deductible contribution here.

    I hope you will consider getting involved today, and stay with us and thousands more to celebrate Join Together’s third anniversary in 2014.

    Thank you,

    Candice Besson, Join Together Managing Editor


    April 2013