Kentucky Offers Two College Scholarships to Teens Impacted by Prescription Drug Abuse

    Kentucky is offering two $1,500 college scholarships to high school seniors who have been impacted by prescription drug abuse. Teens can qualify if they are recovering themselves, or if they are affected by a family member’s prescription drug abuse, according to the Associated Press.

    The scholarships are named in honor of two young adults who died from prescription drug abuse, Sarah Shay and Michael Donta. Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway said the scholarships are funded by the National Association of Drug Diversion Investigators and donations from Sarah and Michael’s families.

    “The toll that the scourge of prescription painkiller abuse has taken on Kentucky families is alarming, and I refuse to lose another generation to this addiction,” Conway said in a statement. “This money will help two young people get a fresh start and a chance at completing their college education.”

    The Sarah Shay and Michael Donta Memorial Scholarships are designed to help Kentucky students “who have excelled in their personal and academic lives despite seeing firsthand the devastating consequences of prescription drug abuse. These students have embraced a positive lifestyle and brighter future for themselves and their families,” according to the statement.


    September 2013