Join Together to Become Part of The Partnership at

    Dear Readers,

    I am very happy to announce that effective next Monday, April 4, Join Together will become part of the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids. Join Together news will continue to be published on the web and to email subscribers as usual, with a fresh look. Readers will have immediate access to the extraordinary resources that the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids has created for parents and communities.

    Stable, long-term funding for free services like Join Together is always hard to achieve. You and more than 50,000 other leaders in prevention, treatment and policy throughout the country have relied on our daily news to stay current with research, policy, and practice. We have worked hard to not let you down.

    That is why I am so pleased that Steve Pasierb, the President of the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids, and his colleagues have exciting plans to expand and improve Join Together in the coming years, while retaining the independent voice and commitment to evidence over ideology that has been the foundation of our relationship with you.

    Current Join Together staff members will remain at the Boston University School of Public Health. They will work in a new collaboration with the team at the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids to ensure a smooth transition of our news service and website content and to develop new joint projects to expand and strengthen Join Together screening and education services.

    We will publish in our current format through Thursday, March 31. To allow for testing of the new online systems, we will not publish a daily newsletter on Friday. On the following Monday, April 4, Join Together will relaunch with a new home at and a new email design.  The Join Together news and blog archives will be transferred to the new site, and email subscribers will experience a seamless transition.

    Thank you for your ongoing support of Join Together.


    David Rosenbloom
    Join Together


    March 2011