Is Marijuana Medicine?

    One of the biggest points of contention about marijuana is whether or not it can be considered medicine, according to Kevin Sabet, PhD, Policy Consultant and Assistant Professor, University of Florida. He says that while smoked crude marijuana is not medicine, marijuana does have medicinal properties – found in its individual components. These components can be isolated and delivered in a safe and effective way. Many of these components are being researched; some have been approved as medicines in the U.S. and elsewhere.

    In the second of a two-part series of white papers to outline the facts about the drug, Dr. Sabet discusses:
    •    What does the science say?
    •    Non-smoked marijuana as medicine
    •    Rescheduling marijuana
    •    Obtaining marijuana for research
    •    Non-FDA approved “medical” marijuana
    •    Marijuana as medicine and youth

    Read the white paper here Marijuana and Your Health- Just The Facts Part II.


    October 2012