High-Alcohol Beer Bill Approved by Alabama House

    Beer with an alcohol content of up to 13.9 percent by volume would be legal for sale in Alabama under a measure approved by the state House of Representatives, the Associated Press reported March 4.

    The measure was approved on a 49-37 vote and now moves to the Senate, where companion legislation has already been passed by a key committee. Sponsor Rep. Thomas Jackson said that neighboring states already allow sales of potent beer.

    Opponents of the legislation say it could lead to more drunk driving. Currently, Alabama law bans sales of beer with alcohol content higher than 6 percent by volume. “This means people can get drunk quicker as they go down the highway,” said Rep. DuWayne Bridges. “Why in heaven’s name would we encourage more drinking?”

    Jackson said that the high-alcohol gourmet and imported beers sell for up to $7 a bottle and would not appeal to teenagers.


    March 2009