Hackademy Awards Name Smokiest and Smokeless Movies of the Year

    There were no glittering stars getting out of limousines, but there was a red carpet, and there were still winners and losers at the 16th annual Hackademy Awards, spotlighting 2010’s smokiest — and smoke-free — movies and actors.

    Teen reviewers gave a big thumbs-down to romantic drama, “Remember Me,” for “promoting America’s leading cause of preventable death,” according to Breathe California of Sacramento-Emigrant Trails, the organizer of the awards.

    One reviewer said the movie’s star, Robert Pattinson, was “barely seen onscreen without a cigarette in his hand and a plume of cigarette smoke framing his face.”

    In contrast, Hackademy reviewers gave the nod to “Inception” for being, according to the press release, “a great movie with no tobacco use that ignored the hackneyed habit of tying smoking to film noir.”

    More information about smoking and movies:



    March 2011