Government Workers Urged to Join National Prescription Drug “Take-Back” Day

    Three federal government agencies are urging employees to dispose of unwanted or expired drugs, as part of National Prescription Drug “Take-Back” Day on Saturday. The event is designed to “provide a safe, convenient, and responsible means of disposal, while also educating the general public about the potential for abuse of these medications,” according to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

    “We encourage you to join this commitment to improving our public health and safety by participating and inviting others – friends, family, and neighbors – to take part,” states a memo jointly issued by the DEA, Office of Personnel Management and the Office of National Drug Control Policy.

    The Washington Post reports 70 percent of people who abuse prescription painkillers got them through friends or relatives the most recent time they used them.

    In the five previous Take-Back events, the DEA, together with state, local, and tribal law enforcement partners, collected more than 2 million pounds (1,018 tons) of prescription medications.

    Collection sites and times around the country are posted at


    April 2013