Giving to Charity Declines Two Percent: Study

    The Giving USA 2009 study concluded that charitable giving in the U.S. fell 2 percent in 2008, dropping from $314.07 billion in 2007 to $307.54 billion in 2008.

    The Philanthropy News Digest reported June 10 that this is the first time since 1987 — and just the second time since 1956 — that year-over-year giving fell. Foundation, corporate, and individual giving all declined, as did charitable bequests. Greater demand for services was also reported by a majority of organizations.

    On the positive side, giving remained above the $300-billion threshold, and remained at roughly the same percentage of gross domestic product as in 2007.

    “With the United States mired in a recession throughout 2008, there was no doubt in anyone’s mind that charitable giving would be down,” said Giving USA Foundation chair Del Martin. “However, what we find remarkable is that individuals, corporations, and foundations still provided more than $307 billion to causes they support, despite the economic conditions.”


    July 2009