Former Mexican President Joins Call for Marijuana Decriminalization

    Former Mexican President Vicente Fox is calling for a change in drug policy for Latin American countries that includes decriminalizing and possibly legalizing marijuana, CNN reported May 13.

    Fox, who served as president from 2000 to 2006, joined three other former leaders of Latin American countries in endorsing fundamental drug-policy reform.

    “I believe it’s time to open the debate over legalizing drugs,” Fox said. “It must be done in conjunction with the United States, but it is time to open the debate.”

    At a February meeting of the Latin American Commission on Drugs and Democracy, Fox’s predecessor Ernesto Zedillo and former leaders of Brazil and Colombia spoke out in favor of decriminalization of marijuana for personal use. Fox had opposed such a move as president of Mexico.

    “The problem is that current policies are based on prejudices and fears and not on results,” said former Colombian President Cesar Gaviria.

    Fox said that changes in drug policy must come with education campaigns in schools and homes. He added that such changes also must be supported by the United States.


    May 2009