Facts on the Emerging Science on the Effects of Marijuana

    Marijuana is one of the most hotly debated drugs of our time, according to Kevin Sabet, PhD, Policy Consultant and Assistant Professor, University of Florida. He says that while sifting through the rhetoric about the drug can be difficult, it is important to know what the research has established. There is now a plethora of scientific studies about the use of the drug and its public health implications.

    According to Dr. Sabet, we can say with some certainty that marijuana use is significantly linked with addiction, heart and lung complications, mental illness, car crashes, IQ loss and poor school outcomes, poor quality of life outcomes and poor job performance.

    In the first of a two-part series of white papers to outline the facts about the drug, Dr. Sabet discusses:
    •    Marijuana and the brain
    •    What makes marijuana harmful? Three simple letters: T-H-C
    •    Marijuana and addiction
    •    Marijuana and driving
    •    Marijuana use and performance at school and on the job

    Read the white paper here Marijuana and Your Health- Just The Facts Part I.


    October 2012