Faces & Voices Launches Rally for Recovery! Online

    Faces & Voices of Recovery, the national organization for people in recovery from addiction, their families and friends, launched a new web-based resource, Rally for Recovery! Online, where people can register the number of years they have been in recovery from addiction and find out about National Recovery Month events and rallies nationwide.

    For the first time, people will be able to participate online as well as attend the hundreds of rallies, picnics and concerts being organized across the country. 

    “Faces & Voices is pleased that PRO-ACT’s (Pennsylvania Recovery Organization – Achieving Community Together) Philadelphia 2010 Recovery Walks! will be the national ‘hub’ on September 25,” said Faces & Voices board chair Steve Gumbley.

    Ten thousand people in recovery from addiction and their families and friends will rally and walk together at Penn’s Landing, celebrating recovery from addiction to alcohol and other drugs and offering hope to those still struggling. Local, state and national dignitaries will participate including Michael Nutter, Philadelphia’s mayor; Gil Kerlikowske, Director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy and Westley Clark, M.D., Director of the federal Center for Substance Abuse Treatment.

    Speakers will include Candy Finnigan and Jeff Van Vonderen from A&E’s Emmy Award-winning series “Intervention,”  Lucille O’Neal, author and mother of Shaquille O’Neal; author and actor Christopher Kennedy Lawford, and author and historian William White.  

    One goal of Rally for Recovery! events is to speak out for improved local, state and federal policies and to demonstrate the reality of recovery from addiction to alcohol and other drugs. Participants include local, state and national officials, musicians, and members of the recovery community, their friends, families and allies including local, state and national officials. Non-partisan voter registration and education activities will also be taking place at events.

    “We are rallying for recovery to help make change happen at all levels,” said Gumbley. We encourage people to Rally for Recovery! Online to keep our focus today and every day on the rights of people struggling with addiction to get well and the rights of people who are no longer using alcohol or other drugs to get their lives back together. 

    To Rally for Recovery! Online, go to www.facesandvoicesofrecovery.org/rally. To register for the 2010 Recovery Walks! in Philadelphia, go to www.recoverywalks.org.


    September 2010