Faces & Voices: Discuss ’Moments of Clarity’ Online with Lawford

    Faces & Voices of Recovery is pleased to announce that Christopher Kennedy Lawford will join its Online Book Club discussion this month to discuss his new book, ’Moments of Clarity, Voices from the Front Lines of Addiction and Recovery’. Anyone can post questions and opinions online and Lawford will respond and offer his own commentary.

    ’Moments of Clarity’ is a collection of stories from men and women, young and old, all across the recovery spectrum. For each person, there is a different moment and experience, but all share a common understanding of where they have been and where they must go in their lives in recovery. As they share their stories, they shed light on their own experiences and on the journey we all take as human beings, making sense of our lives and world.

    About Faces & Voices of Recovery’s Online Book Club
    Faces & Voices of Recovery launched the Online Book Club in response to advocates around the country who wanted to read and discuss books that are important to the recovery community and the recovery advocacy movement. Featured books fit into two categories: writings about long-term recovery and building the national recovery advocacy movement.

    Learn more about the book club and upcoming selections online.


    February 2009