European Fertility Docs Urged Not to Treat Heavy Drinkers

    Citing the risks to the child after birth, a group representing fertility specialists in Europe said that “fertility doctors should refuse treatment to women used to more than moderate drinking and who are not willing or able to minimize their alcohol consumption,” according to a new policy recommendation.

    Medical News Today reported Jan. 20 that a task force commissioned by the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) conducted a literature review and issued recommendations on treating women who drink alcohol, smoke, and/or are obese.

    The ESHRE Task Force on Ethics and Law said that while heavy drinkers should not be treated, severe or morbidly obese could receive assistance, but only with special justification. The recommendations were silent about tobacco use, but stated generally that, “Assisted reproduction should only be conditional upon lifestyle changes, if there was strong evidence that without behavioral modifications there was a risk of serious harm to the child or that the treatment became disproportional in terms of cost-effectiveness or obstetric risks.”

    The findings and recommendations were published online  in the journal Human Reproduction.


    January 2010