Employee Assistance Research Foundation Calls for Grant Proposals

    The Employee Assistance Research Foundation (EARF) has issued a call for grant proposals, which will focus on workplace-related outcomes of employee assistance programs (EAP). The proposals are due by November 30.

    The EARF will choose several research grants of up to $40,000 for research projects of up to  one year. The grants are intended to be used as seed money to pursue larger research projects.

    Those interested in applying should submit a brief proposal. Some of those first-round applicants will be chosen to submit a full proposal.

    The EARF is looking for proposals for rigorous empirical research that address the effects of EAPs or specific components of the programs on workplace-related outcomes. EARF is not seeking proposals with clinical outcomes such as substance abuse, depression or anxiety as the primary outcomes.

    For a copy of the call for proposals, visit the EARF website.


    October 2011