DWI Training Scholarships Deadline Extended

    Currently operating drug courts have a little more time to apply for scholarships that offset some of the costs of attending the National Center for DWI Courts (NCDC) DWI Court Training Programs.

    Applications are being accepted through Nov. 13 (for those submitted to state Highway Safety Offices) and Nov. 23 (for programs that already have travel funds and are submitting applications directly to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

    Funds are available for offsetting costs associated with both the planning and enhancement portions of the training. For full details, see the National Center for DWI Courts website.

    For questions about the DWI Court training, contact Brian Chodrow at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Enforcement and Justice Services Division at 202-366-9765 or David Wallace at the National Drug Court Institute at 703-575-9400 or dwallace@ncdc.org.


    October 2009