‘Dissolvable’ Tobacco Products Test-Marketed in Denver

    New ‘dissolvable’ tobacco products that look like Tic Tacs, toothpicks and breath strips are being test-marketed in Denver. Public health officials are concerned that the products look like candy, making them attractive to young people.

    The new products, made by R.J. Reynolds Tobacco, are called Camel Orbs, Camel Sticks and Camel Strips, Denver’s 7News reports. R. J. Reynolds spokesman David Howard told the news show that these products are not being marketed to children. He said the company had changed the size and shape of the products’ packaging after test-marketing them in Columbus,Ohio, Indianapolis, Indiana, and Portland, Oregon. Howard added they are clearly labeled as tobacco and have a warning to keep out of the reach of children.

    Donna Viverette, Tobacco Prevention Coordinator at the Jefferson County Public Health Department, said that since products look like candy, even parents and teachers might not realize children are using them.


    May 2011