D.C. Raids Tobacco Funds

    The City Council in the District of Columbia recently grabbed $27 million from the city’s tobacco-settlement fund to address a budget shortfall, the Washington Examiner reported Aug. 7.

    Lawmakers also voted to hike the city’s cigarette tax, but didn’t devote any of the money to smoking-cessation programs.

    “No one likes having to use part of these proceeds for gap-closing measures, but the alternative was worse, and that’s why we recommended that we use a portion, not all,” said Councilman David Catania, head of the Council’s health committee. “There still will be substantial tobacco funds held in reserves for future activities.”

    However, the DC Tobacco Free Families is now facing bankruptcy, according to the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids. The program had been funded with tobacco-settlement money.

    The D.C. settlement fund now has $171 million remaining. The American Lung Association of D.C. is recommending an additional 25-cents-per-pack hike in the cigarette tax to provide funding for tobacco-prevention programs.


    August 2009