Community Transformation Grants Available for Tobacco-Free Living

    More than $100 million in funding is available for up to 75 Community Transformation Grants that aim to reduce chronic diseases through strategies including tobacco-free living.

    The grants, administered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), were created by the Affordable Care Act to help communities implement projects that have been proven to reduce chronic diseases. Funding is available to support evidence- and practice-based community and clinical prevention and wellness strategies that will lead to specific, measurable health outcomes to reduce chronic disease rates.

    In addition to tobacco-free living, the other areas covered by the grant are active living and healthy eating; high impact quality clinical and other preventive services; social and emotional wellness; and healthy and safe physical environment.

    Applications are due July 15, and awards will be announced in late summer. For more information visit the CDC website.


    May 2011