Colorado Could See “Marijuana Tourists” if Measure Passes

    Both critics and supporters of a measure on the November ballot that would legalize small amounts of marijuana possession for those over age 21 in Colorado say the state could see an influx of  “marijuana tourists” if the initiative passes.

    Opponents argue the measure will attract illegal drug dealers, hurt the state’s image among businesses, and bring in unwanted “marijuana tourists,” The Denver Post reports. Supporters say there is no evidence the initiative would harm business in the state, and any tourists attracted by the measure would bring in dollars.

    The measure, Amendment 64, would legalize possession of up to an ounce of marijuana for adults 21 and older. It would also allow adults to grow up to six marijuana plants in their home. Specially licensed marijuana stores could sell the drug to anyone 21 and older who has government-issued identification.

    A poll conducted last month suggested there is substantial voter support for the Colorado initiative. Similar measures will be on the ballot in Oregon and Washington state.


    October 2012