Call Urban Outfitters CEO to Have Products that Promote Rx Drug Abuse Removed

    Thank you for supporting our effort to have products that promote prescription drug abuse removed from Urban Outfitters stores and website. We are closing in on our goal of 5,000 signatures (if you haven’t signed yet, please do!) on our Facebook Causes petition and we continue to make headlines. However, Urban Outfitters has yet to respond to our requests.

    That is unacceptable. Join us Thursday, May 30, 2013 for a phone campaign to Urban Outfitters CEO & Chairman, Richard A. Hayne. Ask him to have the merchandise removed immediately. Here’s how you can get involved:

    1) Call (215) 454-5500.

    2) Please feel free to use this suggested phone script:

    “Hi my name is _____ and I’m calling to leave a message for Richard Hayne about the products made to look like prescription pill bottles that are being sold in Urban Outfitters stores. While you make a profit off of these pint glasses and flasks, prescription drug overdoses are killing our high school and college-age kids who are also your customers. 

    In 2010, prescription drug overdoses were responsible for over 38,000 deaths in the United States. I don’t think overdoses and deaths are something to laugh at, and these products make light of prescription drug abuse. 

    On behalf of [the teen in my life], I ask you to remove this merchandise from your shelves and website immediately.”

    3) If you can’t call, you can still:

    • Send an e-mail to:

    Richard A. Hayne, Urban Outfitters CEO & Chairman

    Crystal Carroll, Public Relations Manager

    • Write a letter to:

    Urban Outfitters, Inc.
    5000 South Broad St
    Philadelphia, PA 19112-1495

    • Tweet Urban Outfitters with any of these sample tweets:

    Join me in stopping @UrbanOutfitters from selling products that promote teen Rx drug abuse. #endmedicineabuse

    Help stop @UrbanOutfitters from selling products that promote teen Rx abuse. #endmedicineabuse

    Together, let’s get these products off their shelves!

    Thank you,

    Candice Besson
    Managing Editor, Join Together

    P.S. Please comment below to let us know if you called, wrote, emailed or tweeted.


    KY Congressman to Urban Outfitters: Stop Selling Products Promoting Rx Drug Abuse

    Update: Stop Urban Outfitters From Selling Products that Promote Prescription Drug Abuse

    23 Attorneys General Urge Urban Outfitters to Pull Products Promoting Rx Drug Abuse


    May 2013