California DMV Directs Staff to Treat Medical Marijuana Like Other Prescription Drugs

    The driver’s licenses of Californians who have prescriptions for medical marijuana should not be automatically revoked, according to state DMV officials.

    The Associated Press reported March 4 that a new training memo from the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) said that drivers with prescriptions for medical marijuana should be treated the same as if they had a prescription for any other drug.

    An agency spokesperson said the memo puts practices already in place into writing. “There has been no change in DMV policy,” said department spokesman Steve Haskins. “We do not automatically revoke the licenses of those who have a prescription for medical marijuana.”

    “I don’t think the DMV can get away with saying the policy is not a change,” replied Americans for Safe Access spokesperson Kris Hermes. “Clearly it has not been the case based on evidence from our experience.” The organization sued the California DMV in November, saying the agency refused to renew a patient’s license because she was using medical marijuana.


    March 2009