Byrne Recovery Act Funds Available

    The U.S. Justice Department is currently accepting applications for Recovery Act grants under the Edward Byrne Memorial Competitive Grant Program.

    The Recovery Act funding will focus on job creation and retention in support of evidence-based and data-driven programs in preventing and reducing violent crime; providing funding for neighborhood-based probation and parole officers, as a compliment to the COPS program; reducing mortgage fraud and crime related to vacant properties; hiring of civilian support personnel in law enforcement (training staff, analysts, dispatchers, etc.); enhancing forensic and crime-scene investigations; improving resources and services for victims of crime; supporting problem-solving courts; and national training and technical assistance partnerships.

    A number of drug courts nationally have successfully applied for and utilized Byrne funding to support their operations.

    The application has not yet been published online. For more details, contact Al Roddy at 202-353-1881 or


    March 2009