Alcoholic Popsicles Will Be Sold in Arizona

    Alcoholic popsicles will be sold in Arizona starting this week, reports. The new product, Snobar, has an alcohol content of up to 14 percent.

    The popsicles have some substance abuse prevention experts concerned. Former Phoenix policeman Paul Penzone, who now runs the group Not My Kid, said, “I look at it and I see a parent eating a popsicle that is alcohol infused, and what message are we sending to our kids? As parents, think long and hard if this is something you want to enjoy yourself, how you are going to keep it from your kids, making sure that they are not inadvertently consuming some of it or you are just creating a behavior pattern for them.”

    According to the article, Snobars will be available only in stores that sell other alcoholic products.


    December 2011