Alcohol Abuse Treatment May Increase in Marine Corps

    A survey to see how well alcohol use rules are being enforced among Marines could result in an increase in treatment for alcohol abuse, the Marine Corps Times reports.

    According to the article, the survey was prompted by the finding that many Marines who are charged with driving under the influence (DUI) are not screened for substance abuse counseling. Col. Adele Hodges, Director of Readiness Assessments in the Inspector General’s Office, told the newspaper, “We may have Marines who are in trouble out there, and unless they are professionally screened to determine whether they need treatment or not, we have a gap in that determination.”

    Of the 1,245 DUIs among enlisted Marines last year, 702 led to screenings, the article notes. Of those, 489 were sent to treatment. Of the 25 DUI cases among officers, 14 were screened and 11 entered treatment. Currently a unit commander decides whether to order a screening after a Marine is interviewed by a substance abuse control officer, according to the newspaper. The Inspector General team conducting the survey hopes to uncover why more Marines are not being screened, and why some Marines who are screened do not complete treatment. A final report on the issue is expected in November.


    August 2011