Alabama Bill Would Require Drug Testing for Some Welfare Recipients

    An Alabama lawmaker says he will introduce a bill that would require drug testing for welfare recipients who have a felony or drug conviction. Representative Kerry Rich said, “This is just something that I feel like is long overdue,” WKRG reports. “The taxpayers are helping support their drug habit, and I don’t think that’s a good idea. I don’t think it’s the responsibility of the taxpayers to do that.”

    Rose Johnson, Director of Mobile County’s Department of Human Resources, told the news station she was concerned about how the state would pay for the drug testing.

    Florida Governor Rick Scott recently signed into law a measure requiring that adults in the state who are applying for welfare assistance undergo drug screening. The law, which took effect July 1, requires applicants to be responsible for the cost of the screening. They can recover the costs if they qualify for assistance. Under the law, applicants who fail the drug screen can designate another person to receive the benefits on behalf of their children.


    August 2011