Affordable Care Act Changes May Affect Insurance Costs for Those With Mental Illness

    The Affordable Care Act (ACA) makes changes to the health insurance system and health insurance benefits that may affect the cost of insurance and healthcare for people with mental illnesses, according to The Health Foundation of Greater Cincinnati.

    For example, beginning in 2014, a 32-year-old single, unemployed, uninsured man with a mental illness will get Medicaid if he makes 133 percent or less of the federal poverty level (in 2012, $14,856 for one person) and his state implements the Medicaid expansion. Under the recent Supreme Court ruling on the ACA, states are not required to expand Medicaid.

    A 45-year-old single woman with a mental illness who works part time and makes $6,500 a year, and receives Medicaid because of a disability but no Social Security disability income, will continue to get Medicaid in 2014.

    For more examples, and to find out more about health insurance and mental illness under the ACA, visit The Health Foundation of Greater Cincinnati’s website.

    Funding for Join Together is provided in part by an unrestricted educational grant from The Health Foundation of Greater Cincinnati.


    August 2012