Addiction Science & Clinical Practice Launched Under New Publisher

    The journal Addiction Science & Clinical Practice is now being published by BioMed Central, the company announced. All original research articles published by BioMed Central are made freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication.

    Formerly published by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the journal “provides a forum for clinically relevant research and perspectives that contribute to improving the quality of care for people with unhealthy alcohol, tobacco, or other drug use and addictive behaviors across a spectrum of clinical settings,” according to the journal website.

    “The quality of healthcare people get for what are among the most common and costly medical problems in the world — unhealthy alcohol and drug use including addiction — is dismal. We aim to stimulate and publish science that can help improve the situation. And with BioMed Central, we can publish quickly and make the results freely available to researchers and clinicians worldwide,” Dr. Richard Saitz, Co-Editor-in-Chief, said in a blog post.


    March 2012