8th Annual INEBRIA Conference

    September 21-23, 2011 / Liberty Hotel / Boston, MA

    Event details:

    • September 21: Implementing and Sustaining Alcohol and Other Drug Screening and Brief Intervention Meeting: Lessons from Large Scale Efforts
    • September 22-23: INEBRIA Conference – New Frontiers: Translating Science to Enhance Health

    This conference will communicate new findings from research on screening and brief intervention (SBI), foster professional collaborations and facilitate the development and dissemination of SBI research with a particular focus on implementation and sustainability.

    Abstract, workshop and symposium submissions are due Monday, May 30th in the following categories:

    • Research relevant to alcohol SBI
    • Research relevant to other drug SBI
    • Clinical or Educational Program evaluations relevant to alcohol and/or other drug SBI
    • Sharing of experiential or theory-based/generating insights
    • Interactive workshops

    To submit an abstract, workshop or symposium proposal, or to register for this event,visit the conference website.


    April 2011