4th National Conference on Women, Addiction and Recovery: Thriving in Changing Times

    At the Fourth National Conference on Women, Addiction and Recovery: Thriving in Changing Times, July 26-28, 2010, at the Chicago Marriott Downtown, Magnificent Mile, we will come together as a community to create a CONFERence filled with informed dialogue and stimulating resources that inform, inspire and encourage the best possible services for women with substance use disorders and their families.

    The conference is grounded in the principles of recovery and gender-responsive, trauma-informed care. The conference offers opportunities to explore a wide array of topics such as the following:

    • family-centered treatment
    • health policy affecting women’s treatment
    • women and the criminal justice system
    • co-occurring mental and health conditions
    • comprehensive recovery support for women
    • using technology in innovative ways
    • culturally responsive approaches
    • workforce development strategies

    Speakers include: Joan Borysenko, Ph.D., Stephanie Covington, Ph.D., Jean Kilbourne, Ed.D., Carol McDaid, Lisa Najavits, Ph.D., Francine Ward, J.D., Hon. Pamela S. Hyde (invited), Hon. R. Gil Kerlikowske (invited), Hon. Richard M. Daley (invited), Ijeoma Achara, Ph.D., Hortensia Amaro, Ph.D., Aida Giachello, Ph.D., Nancy Young, Ph.D. among others!

    Sponsored by: the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) in partnership with Treatment Alternatives for Safe Communities (TASC).

    Co-Sponsors: NASADAD Women’s Service Network; The National Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare; and State Associations of Addiction Services (SAAS); in partnership with SAMHSA’s Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC) Network.

    This is not your standard conference! There will be a variety of energizing ways to learn, converse, contribute, and play. You’ll have opportunities to interact with presenters and with other participants in a variety of venues. Access to a technology cafe, Tea with experts, an array of presentation types, and a bookstore, make this CONFERence unique and essential for today’s providers of women’s services. We hope you are able to join us.

    Get more information or register now.


    March 2010