2011 Campaign for Social Inclusion Awards

    The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has announced the availability of the 2011 Campaign for Social Inclusion Awards. These awards fund selected statewide peer-run organizations across the United States to promote social inclusion on state and local levels, and to counter the negative perceptions, attitudes and beliefs associated with mental health and/or substance use problems.

    This year, SAMHSA will award six $20,000 grants for statewide and community-based efforts that promote and expand the “What a Difference a Friend Makes” campaign. Proposed activities must target 18- to 25-year-olds and provide a detailed plan to increase awareness of behavioral health issues, and of mental health and addiction recovery among young adults – in particular those from diverse populations including Hispanic/Latino, African American, Asian American/Pacific Islander and American Indian populations.  Proposals are also encouraged that address young adults who have experienced trauma.

    The deadline for submitting applications is June 6, 2011.The comprehensive Project Guide, which fully describes the project focus, eligibility and application requirements and other important information, is available here.


    May 2011