Ohio Senator Focuses on Heroin Epidemic in Re-election Campaign

    U.S. Senator Rob Portman of Ohio is focusing on the heroin epidemic in his re-election campaign, USA Today reports. His campaign is releasing three ads on Wednesday that highlight the Republican senator’s work on legislation he introduced, the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA).

    In one ad, Portman speaks about the bill, which passed with a vote of 94-1 in the Senate in March. Another ad features Wayne Campbell, who speaks about the death of his son Tyler from a heroin overdose. He praises Portman for his work in fighting the heroin epidemic. A third ad features Gina Bonaminio, who is in recovery from an addiction to heroin. She also praises Portman’s efforts to combat drug abuse.

    CARA authorizes funds for various drug treatment and prevention programs for a wide range of people, including those in jail. The measure expands prescription drug take-back programs and establishes monitoring to prevent over-prescribing of opioid painkillers. It would expand the availability of medication-assisted treatment, including in criminal justice settings, and would support treatment as an alternative to incarceration. The measure also calls for training and equipping first responders on the use of the opioid overdose-reversal drug naloxone.


    May 2016